Graphic, Advertising, Corporate Image & more...
Our design proposals begin with the timely knowledge of communication needs that our clients have; and we accompany the process through which this requirement will be met with an optimum result.
All logos and images that appear at this gallery are exclusive property of recorded brands. All Rights Reserved.
Luna Eikar-Illustration | Luna Eikar - Disk and covers | Luna Eikar - Disk |
Luna Eikar - Interior pages designs |
Luna Eikar - Singer
Musical Album: Tu Llave
Concepto • Diseño gráfico • Ilustración • Arte álbum musical
Concept • Graphic design • Illustration • Art musical album
El proceso creativo para la elaboración del arte de este álbum parte de la grata experiencia de acercarnos al artista para compartir sus ideas, escuchar y vivir su música. En la portada del disco se plasma la visión del artista quien busca transmitir un mensaje de esperanza para un mundo cada dÃa mejor.
The creative process for the development of the art of this album comes from the pleasant experience of approaching the artist to share his ideas, listen and live his music. On the cover of the album is the vision of the artist who seeks to convey a message of hope for a better world every day.
Para este CD trabajamos en MickeR Studio, sobre una estructura plegable de varios cuerpos con una gráfica que mantiene un mismo estilo de ilustración, a pesar de la gran variedad de escenas que se quisieron contar, asà cada tema tiene una ilustración que acompaña la letra.
For this CD we work in MickeR Studio, on a folding structure of several bodies with a graphic that maintains the same style of illustration, despite the great variety of scenes that were wanted to tell, so each theme has an illustration that accompanies the lyrics.